Wednesday, August 24, 2005

All the News That's Fit to Print

There's a story about rampant crime and soaring drug problems in today's NYT, so of course the dateline says Baltimore. The shocking thing about this particular story is that our recently minted police commish's stepdaughter is a drug addict.


Who needs HBO to watch The WIre?

Time used to be it was cool to see your city or state in The Times, but that was back in NC. Sure some stories were the typical northeasterners-looking-down-on-southerners stuff: "Racist does something stupid," "Rednecks are different from the rest of us," "what's up with NASCAR?" That sort of thing. But every once in a while, something positive, or at least diffferent. Like Charlotte talking about taking down the overstreet mall, or mountainbiking in Asheville. Or Gov. Easley watching King of the Hill to stay in touch with his good ol' boy roots.

Hmmm. Maybe Martin O'Malley should go up to Times Square and give them a piece of his mind. Or start his own blog like Tony Williams in DC.

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