Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why does the NSA need to know when I order a pizza?

The news hit me as I walked the dog this morning for her daily, well, you know. We passed the USAToday box and, as usual, I skimmed the headlines, because that's what USAToday is good for.

Except today.

Fun to watch all the rest of the news sites playing catch-up with the Gannet flagship. In the last few hours, all my usual online news sources have been posting urgent breaking news about how the NSA, late of wiretapping fame, has been collecting all your phone records. And mine, and his, and hers and ...

Although this doesn't exactly make up for the dumbing-down of American journalism or their incompetent management of local newspapers that fall within their grasp, today, at least, I'd like to thank USAToday in all of their color-coded, one-page article, big graphics and photos glory.

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