Thursday, June 22, 2006

News you can't use


So, obviously I have not been keeping up with my blogging duties lately, and for that I apologize. So much going on, you know.

And if you don't know, you won't know.

But those who do know what a pain in the keister it is to do all the things we've had to do in the last few days to prepare for the you know what.

Observations, otherwise:

La Copa Mundial esta awesome! Although, even harder to understand while watching Univision. Unfortunately I picked a couple of losers to follow, US and Poland, so that's about it for me. Might keep an eye on things.

Kuba Kuba in Richmond is still a great little place to eat. Dig them Plantains. It's a small miracle when a restaurant is as good as you remember.

Downtown Concord is actually pretty neat. An organic grocery store, Argentinean bakery/Coffeeshop, some stores. Folks getting priced out of Charlotte but still looking for the urbanish life?

Sidewalks. Gotta have 'em. Although the middle of Concord has that old-school charm, the rest is crap. Hard to jog when you're looking over your shoulder to avoid cars.

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