Thursday, July 06, 2006

Viva Italia!

I'm not one of those Freedom Fries types, the kind who boycotted all things Francophile after Chirac opposed the Iraq war. In fact, not only were the French right ot oppose the war, but I'd love to visit Paris one day. It is one of the centers of Western culture, after all.

But I still wanted them to lose yesterday. I mean, seriously. The French annoy me. They think of themselves as the pinnacle of Western Civilization, just like we do. Yeah, thanks for the help during the Revolution and all, and for designing Washington, DC. But seriously. the attitude is a little much.

Of course, the Italians probably think they're better than us too. But they aren't such jerks about it.

So, viva Italia. Word.


Anonymous said...

Come on now. You can do better. That was lame.

Not as lame as the Brazil-Ghana entry. That was super lame. This is just lame light.

We know you are all about the French-worldliness and all, who isn't, but bashing on the Gauls for their attitude is like depressing a teenage Cure fan: it's just way too easy, and not worthy of the excellence we have come to expect.

Not that we don't love you.

El Ratoncito

tecki said...

So, you finally bother to post a comment, and this is the best you can do?

But seriously, show me some futbol loyaties that aren't based on superficial prejudices and politics.