Thursday, September 20, 2007

A la Carte Cable

Over the summer we had the chance to watch a lot of cable in the basement in Cornbob, and when looking into what kind of internet to get in Chicago, we happened upon a billboard touting a deal on cable.

And so for the last month or so we've been alternatelty surfing the web and wondering why we're paying for 90 channels we don't really watch.

So what the hell ever happened to this whole cable a la carte program the FCC was all giddy about last year or so? The only thing that any agency run by the Bush administration has done that I actually agree with is meeting the same success as the war.

Right now we're paying for about 90 channels, but only watch 10 at most. But there are other channels out there I'd like to have, but don't. So why can't I just pay for the channels I want to watch?

Those other 80 channels are just a bunch of freeloaders, hoping that my love of those 10 channels will be enough to subsidize their terrible programming. If I could pay just for the channels I want, I might actually watch more TV. In fact, there might even be more channels I like, since they'd all have to compete for audiences instead of just riding on the coattails of those dozen or so channels that don't suck.

I don't suppose RCN wants to be that first company to stick its neck out.

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