Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Stay on Track

So I leave the country for a little while and I find out some pack of libertarian jackals have decided to try to repeal the transit tax. Turns out they don't want to face the fact that they live in a city, not some cute little tax-free small town in some idyllic Ayn Rand oil painting. Oh look, there's Tara S. kicking a dog.

You can't have a city that depends on only one form of transportation. It just won't work, and I'm tired of having to pound the truth into you people. If you don't like paying taxes for huge public works projects, you need to move. Wyoming has almost nobody around. You can shoot your guns at photos of FDR all day there and no one will try to infringe on your right to act like a moron on your own personal property.

But when you live in a major metropolitan area with about 1 million other people, you have to learn to share, and to pitch in from time to time. Things cost money folks. Roads, schools and rails aren't free, but they are all most definitely necessary.

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