Thursday, September 20, 2007

How many candles?

So it was recently made known to me that I am actually not 28 years old as I had thought, but rather 29.

I'm not really sure how I managed to forget this particular fun fact about myself, but it does make a lot more sense, since being born in 1978 would mean I hit a nice, round 10 every year that ends in 8.

So somehow I managed to lose a whole year, which seems about par for the course, since we seem to keep losing things around here. Some photos, some clothes, 365 days, a few really nice pens.

I don't know how to approach this whole 30 thing. It's the new 20, but I was kind of a screw up in my early 20s, so maybe that makes this a do-over decade? Is the fact that I lost a year proof of my old age, or just more evidence of my clumsly record-keeping?

Yeah, when you turn 30 it really makes you start to think about things ...

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