Saturday, January 19, 2008


I know most of the posts lately, when I bother to post at all, have been about the weather in Chicago. Well, it's frickin cold here. What can I say? Depending on which Web site you trust, it is somewhere between 3 and 4 degrees here. The last time it was this cold in North Carolina was when mastodons roamed the Piedmont.

So what do you do when it's this cold during the day? You train the dog to use the toilet and lock yourself inside. If your dog refuses to cooperate, you bundle up and take her outside long enough to do her business, pick up the frostbitten fingers that broke off while you scooped up her you-know-what and get back inside.

We need to rethink our winter gear. We've already ordered some giant tube things that are supposed to keep our heads and necks warm, and I'm looking into some new gloves that might actually keep out the wind and cold, at least a little. Flannel-lined jeans sound like a good idea, but they look so goofy, I'm just not sure. Another day like this might soften my resolve.

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