Saturday, March 08, 2008

Time Flies.

Remember when I used to update this blog pretty much every day? Yeah, that was back when I had a job where I mostly sat around at a computer all day waiting for something to happen. Those were the days. I had another job like that in January, but it only lasted a week. They figured out that it was cheaper to not pay me than to pay me to sit there surfing the web, waiting for them to give me something to do. At least I was all over that Heath Ledger thing when the news broke.

Anyway, back to work again, this time with no time for web surfing. I don't know how I'm going to keep up with this blog, let alone the news, online shopping or music downloads. But, working beats not having money, and being the only income-earner for the first time ever makes that more important now.

It's some what sobering to think of yourself as the breadwinner. Everything depends on you, and suddenly you don't mind so much when the boss comes up to your cubicle and, in that "I'm really trying to be nice, but seriously, you'd better" kind of way, asks if you can work late again tonight.

But, I like money. I only wish I'd realized this back in college. Maybe then I wouldn't have wasted my time wandering around the UNC Charlotte English department and taking tons of useless electives. I mean, History of Jazz was good fun, and I did got to Chapel Hill for the first time (before that mega mall in Durham killed Henderson St.), but has my knowledge of the roots of modern jazz helped me pay the bills, let alone buy an iPhone?

Shit, this post is already longer than all those "how to blog" articles tell you. And I haven't kept the subject simple and concise. What keywords brought you to this post? Charlotte? Money? Work? Phaw. I guess I'll never make a living at this.

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