Tuesday, November 01, 2005

O Great Pumpkin!


No trick or treaters this year, for the third year in a row. We used to be sad that they didn't show up, but quite frankly, I'm just a little tired of handing out my hard-earned candy to a bunch of ungrateful kids I've never met.

It's not like Christmastime when they pretend to be good all of a sudden so Santa will bring them toys. Have they ever washed my car, raked leaves or offered to walk the dog?

This side entrance is the perfect trick-or-treater deterrent.

Look folks, you chose to have kids, you give them and their pals the candy-candy. When I have kids I'll dish out the sweets like anyone else, but don't come a' knockin' on my door every October 31 with your hands out until little Andrew and Addison show up.

In fact, since Baxter and his folks dropped by unexpectedly, all Great-Pumpkin like, I'd have to say that this was the Best Halloween Ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha. Glad to hear you survived another Halloween. If you think handing it out is bad, wait until you have the unenviable task of distributing it afterwards in sane amounts. It only gets better...