Friday, February 10, 2006

You say Turin, I say Torino ...

So, am I the only one who didn't realize the Winter Olympics start tonight?

Remember when the Olympics were a big deal? Lillehammer, Calgary, Nagano? Good Times.

Salt Lake wasn't all that, I hardly even remember it.

I usually just watch the Opening Ceremonies to see what they come up with and to bask in the idealized Brotherhood of Nations concept, pretending just for one night that the world really is like that.

Once the torch is lit, though, I'm usually out. And the name? All I think of when I hear Turin is that shroud. No one needs the inverted face of Jesus staring at them while they watch the Skeleton competition.

One point of pride: Turns out that 9 Carolina Hurricanes will compete in Men's Hockey this year -- and not just on the US team, so that could be interesting. The TeckiSister should enjoy that. I might even tune in for that.

Well, whatever. SInce they say Old Man Winter is about to have his revenge for all that nice weather we had last month, pop open some beers, heat up the popcorn, and start up the Fanfare for the Common Man!

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