Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Duke students tend to have more money than you

I'm not going to waste my time pontificating on a case that hasn't even gone to trial yet. I'll leave that to Jesse Jackson and Rush Limbaugh.

But, is this not the most obvious, understated headline in the history of journalism?

Duke suspects raised in privileged surroundings

The only surprise here for some folks might be that these guys, along with most of the other lacrosse players, grew up in the North, not the South (It's an obsession in Baltimore, but you couldn't find enough kids for one team in Charlotte). A lot of reporters have framed the story as if it could only happen in the South. Racism doesn't stop at the Mason-Dixon line. This could have happened anywhere in the country.

Okay, that's enough.

Other headlines:

Baltimore has a lot of crime.

NASA announces Outer Space is 'really' big.

Bush is a crook.

Okay, so maybe that last one is only obvious to some of us.

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