Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Great Easter Egg Hunt of 'aught 6

Easter is here! Haven't found the chocolate bunnies yet, but I'm sure they're here somewhere ... right?

Springtime in the NC is beautiful. Flowers bloom from every bush and garden. And the temperature is a cool 90 degrees. Sandals and shorts weather.

The preacher started his sermon by saying there was no way to describe the ressurection. Then spent 30 minutes trying anyway. He told the congregation that God was like music, and we all had to shake our groove things. This did not go over well. Lots of nervous laughter. Episcopalians aren't much fun.

The kids at the church swarmed the yard afterward like well-dressed vandals, uprooting bushes and knocking each other over to find their prized eggs. Some had snuck out early to begin the hunt and were promptly beaten by the others when discovered. Their chocolate-smeared faces gleaming with the maniacal look of junkies in Baltimore.

Being without children, we managed to escape the carnage.

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