Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I hate PowerPoint

God, but do I hate it.

I don't believe I've ever witnessed a "good" PPT Presentation (yes, PPT is the business slang for this insidious application, so lucky you, you're part of my Hell now), but some are worse than others.

Mostly, PPTs come in two varieties:

The ones where all the information you could possibly imagine pertaining to a topic is crammed into each slide to the point that they are incomprehensible on the big screen.

And the ones where they have everything bulleted out and then read. every. single. thing. exactly the same as it is written on the screen, essentially making the face-to-face presentation an even bigger waste of time than it would normally be. If you were just going to read it verbatim, why not just e-mail it to me so I can read it myself?

Most business folk labor under the impression that their terrible PPT slides can make up for their terrible public speaking skills, creating an audio-visual misery in conference rooms across North America.

Please, won't you join me in stopping PPT now? It's not too late.

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