Friday, October 07, 2005


What is up with the Eastern Shore?

Once you cross that Bay Bridge, man, it's like a whole other state. Flat, spooky-ass place. Like driving into an old Scooby Doo episode. Creepy old farmhouses, roadside stands and a few strip malls, that's it. It's a long way to drive just to get to the beach.

There's no way this is all part of the state of Baltimore, The Wire, NSA and the DC 'burbs. Although, Wallace did have to stay with his grandma on the Shore before they capped him.

If you go, for whatever reason, check out Ollie's Discount Store in Salisbury. The prices are so low because they never turn on the airconditioning. It's a prehistoric Wal~Mart. Concrete floor, hand-made shelves. Mark my words: if Ollie discovers marketing, he'll give the crowd in Bentonville a run for their dirty money.

Damn man.

Did you see that haunted farmhand? Like, let's get outta here!


Anonymous said...

Ummmm, if you're talking about Ollie's Bargain outlet, it's a chain. A very sucky chain. You don't have to go to Salisbury to find one.

Come to think of it, I don't think there is a good reason to go to Salisbury. The only good things about Maryland's eastern shore are blue crabs and Assateague Island.

tecki said...

Well, damn.

I had a feeling about that place. Don't worry, I didn't buy anything there.

As a vegetarian, I can't say the blue crabs are a big selling point. Maybe Assateague, but I've never been there. As far as I can tell, the Shore's main purpose is to take the full brunt of a tsunami or hurricane to protect the mainland.